there's a cook in the kitchen! - celebrity cookoff! |
Mittwoch, 7. Dezember 2005
hm, lecker... mutant, 13:59h
"6). An undercover DOI investigator visiting Cracovia Deli Restaurant, at 501 Woodward Avenue, Ridgewood, Queens, met BARBARA PIEKARSKA-ROGALSKI, who said she was the owner. After the undercover pointed out several violations in the kitchen, including mouse droppings near the stove, the presence of two cats, and a cat litter box full of fecal matter, ROGALSKI offered and paid the undercover $100 so that he would not issue any critical violations for the mouse droppings or the presence of the cat and its litter box. " von hier: pdf die nutzlosen katzen haetten wenigstens die maeuse fressen koennen.... leider faellt der besuch von cracovia deli damit aus. ... Comment |
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