there's a cook in the kitchen! - celebrity cookoff! |
Mittwoch, 3. Mai 2006
this is so my topic: mutant, 14:06h
The Farmers market International parade. i wrote about my favourite markets in bremen some time ago. (list of all bremen markets) the findorff-market is now the biggest market in bremen. years ago, when i was a kid, we had a real farmers market on the domshof, with live chicken and rabbits being sold there. we used to buy rabbits and brought them to my grandaunts country home for her to fatten them for christmas dinner. but now the domshof market is only interesting on saturdays, because you can buy a lot of (expensive) specialities. so, during the week, i prefer the findorff market. it's open on tuesday, thursday and saturday and offers everything you need. my favourites are:
there is lots more, organic meat (neuland) and cheeses (nussbaum), very good potatoes (gerken) and the mustard guy and flowers, simply everything you need for a good day of home cookery. nearby is the small shop of, they sell the best organic wines around. i'll take a picture when i'm there the next time. ... Comment |
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