there's a cook in the kitchen! - celebrity cookoff! |
gefaellt mir: mutant, 14:20h
zumal ich mich vorher grade noch ueber die bekloppte restaurantkritik in der FAZ geaergert habe. ... Link (0 Kommentare) ... Comment Der Rest von Schuetzenfest, bzw von Little Italy: mutant, 17:31h
... Link (0 Kommentare) ... Comment haha: mutant, 19:09h
If you are cooking octopus or a stew/braise of not so tender cut of meat, add a couple of real wine corks to the casserole. The cork will tenderize the meat and cut down on your cooking time. Don’t forget to remove the corks before serving. tolle tips findet man im internet! ... Link (4 Kommentare) ... Comment |
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