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vielleicht zum geburtstag kochen: mutant, 17:12h
Risotto con indivia belga e saucisson Una specialità che si lascia mangiare con gli occhi. Gli ingredienti sono autunnali, non resta che mettersi ai fornelli ed esprimersi al meglio. Ingredienti Per 4 persone 1 c. d'olio d'oliva 1 cipolla, tritata finemente 1 spicchio d'aglio, schiacciato 350 g di riso per risotto (ad es. Arborio o Vialone) 1 saucisson vodese (ca. 350 g) 2 dl di vino bianco ca. 1 litro di brodo vegetale, caldo 1 dl di panna 2 indivie belghe (ca. 300 g), dimezzate nel senso della lunghezza, private del torsolo, a strisce di ca. 1 cm 150 g di Gruyère, grattugiato 3 foglie di salvia, a strisce sottili sale e pepe, a piacere 1 c. di burro per arrostire 12 foglie di salvia piccole Preparazione e cottura ca. 30 minuti Preparazione Risotto: far riscaldare l'olio, far rosolare cipolla ed aglio, aggiungere il riso, far cuocere mescolando, fino a quando risulti trasparente. Pelare il saucisson, dimezzarlo nel senso della lunghezza, tagliarlo a fette di ca. 5 mm, aggiungere al riso, far cuocere brevemente, bagnare con il vino bianco, far cuocere fino al completo assorbimento. Versarvi il brodo poco a poco mescolando frequentemente, in modo che il riso risulti sempre appena coperto con il liquido. Far cuocere a fuoco lento per ca. 20 min, fino a quando il riso sarà cremoso, togliere la pentola dal fuoco. Integrarvi la panna. Aggiungere indivia belga, formaggio e salvia, mescolare con cura, lasciar riposare coperto per ca. 5 min, condire. Guarnizione: in un pentolino, riscaldare il burro per arrostire, ridurre la tempe-ratura, arrostire le foglie di salvia fino a quando saran-no croccanti, distribuire sul risotto. ... Link (10 Kommentare) ... Comment Super Vegetable Noodle Chow Mein mutant, 20:11h
Serves 5 Ingredients 1 thumb-sized piece of ginger. 1 clove garlic. one-half - one red chilli, deseeded. 150g noodles. Drop of sesame seed oil. 1 onion, sliced. 2 carrots, shedded. 100g beansprouts. 50g mangetout. 1 red pepper, sliced. 1 yellow pepper, sliced. 100g mushrooms, sliced. 1 spring onion. Soya sauce. Method Finely slice the chilli then peel and finely chop the ginger and garlic. Add a little water to this mixture to make a paste. Cook the noodles in boiling, salted water for 4 minutes, and refresh in cold water. Heat the sesame seed oil in a frying pan or wok and cook the chilli paste and onion for 10 minutes. Add the rest of the veggies until they�re cooked, but still crunchy. Add the noodles for a couple of seconds and combine. Drizzle with a little soy sauce. This is one of the recipes featured in Jamie's School Dinners, adapted for cooking at home. ... Link (0 Kommentare) ... Comment schwein und apfel, mutant, 22:48h
tolle kombination. und passt so schoen zum herbst. bei meinem lieblingssupermarkt gefunden: Roast Rack of Pork This free–range English pork is served with apple sauce made with Bramleys that have been roasted with the meat for extra flavour, plus gravy made with Somerset apple brandy. Serves 8 Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: about 1 hour 40 minutes Ingredients 2–2.4kg English free range pork rack (from the meat service counter) 1 kg Bramley apples, about 3, peeled, cored and quartered 4 fresh bay leaves, torn in half 25g golden caster sugar 50g Waitrose Butter 100ml Somerset Pomona liqueur Instructions Preheat the oven to 220°C, gas mark 7. Pat the meat dry with some kitchen paper and place on an oven rack that will fit over a large roasting tin. If you are going to eat the crackling (optional), score the skin and rub with 2 teaspoons of Maldon Sea Salt. Arrange the apple and bay leaves in the base of the tin and place the rack with the pork over it. Roast for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180°C, gas mark 4 and cook for a further 1 hour 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes, or until the juices run clear and there is no pink meat. Set the meat aside, cover and keep warm. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the apples to a bowl, discarding any darkly coloured pieces as well as the bay leaves, leaving the sticky meat juices in the pan. Skim off some of the fat and discard. Beat the apples with a wooden spoon until they just start to break up. Mix in the sugar and a small knob of butter and season. Keep warm while you make the gravy. Warm the roasting tin and its contents over a high heat. When hot, add the Somerset Pomona and boil for 1-2 minutes or until almost completely reduced. Add 250ml hot water and continue boiling for 3-5 minutes or until reduced by half. Whisk in the remaining butter. Sieve the sauce to remove any lumps. Remove the crackling and slice the meat thickly. Serve with the sauce, gravy, crackling, steamed broccoli and roast potatoes. This recipe was first published on in September 2005. ... Link (0 Kommentare) ... Comment |
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