there's a cook in the kitchen! - celebrity cookoff! |
oh the joy, mutant, 21:27h
of a son in law that used to be working as a professional chef as well. not only is he a great help in the kitchen, it's also fun to have someone understand the special feelings working in a professional kitchen inherits. it's like people who recovered from addiction talking to each other... and we made a very fine sauce today! ... Link (2 Kommentare) ... Comment mal wieder schlachten: mutant, 11:35h
diesmal huehner. sehr lustig und man hat eigentlich kein interesse, jemals wieder huhn zu essen - wg dem geeeeeestaaaaaaank! ein lamm zb stinkt ueberhaupt nicht. ... Link (2 Kommentare) ... Comment funny: mutant, 15:30h
... Link (2 Kommentare) ... Comment |
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